Zika Virus and Mosquito Control


Mosquitoes can breed in as little as one inch of standing water, which means there are numerous places around a home that might support them. It is important to get rid of those possible breeding sites to avoid a yard full of biting insects.

Remove empty containers

Start by cleaning up any containers left lying in or around your balcony. Put away buckets, pick up toys, and dump any flower dishes kept outside. Other containers might need to stay outside, as well. Punch holes in them so water drains.

Keep your balcony screens repaired per the standards of the rules and regulations of our building.

Also if you open your windows, make sure your screens are not damaged and have any openings that would allow mosquitoes to enter into your apartment.

Protect yourself, your loved ones and your neighbors by ensuring any potential breeding area is eliminated in or around your balconies.

When you venture outdoors especially in the evening hours when mosquitoes are most likely to bite, make sure you wear long-sleeved shirts or use an approved bug spray to protect exposed skin areas.

For more information on Zika, please click the link below.

Florida Department of Health – Zika Update